
Monday, May 26, 2014

Practise prompt

If you could have lunch with any famous person who would it be? What
would you talk about with this person?

A- If I went lunch with any famous person I would have Lunch with Dane DeHaan. With this person I would Talk about his acting and what is his favourite Movie he has acted in. I would ask How old he is and Who is his favourite friend. If I said all these questions I would Be so Elated I will be the only one that would know all about him. The other Questions I would ask him is Who is your favourite sibling and his favorite food.

Good Friends!

Szaskia-Asttle reading 28th February...
''Good Friends''explain........

''Good Friends''........
''Good friends'' are real friends that keep in touch every time. Good Friends tell the truth all the time. Our friends are one of  gods children. Friendships can happen everywhere like at home,park,shops everywhere. We become good friend by love and respecting each other.

Good friends are really special to you. Good friends to me is like sticking together and respecting each other. Being Friends are sharing ideas to each other

Cardiovascular Workout!

Fitness : Cardiovascular Workout!

Cardiovascular exercise has lots of health benefits like lowering your blood pressure, and also it can burn lots of calories-for those of you who want to lose weight. To give your heart a proper workout you need to make sure that you do your cardiovascular exercise with a certain amount of intensity, But you don’t want to overdo it. Everyone has a resting heart rate, which is just what it sounds like-the rate your heart beats per minute while you are resting.

Milk Presentation-Szaskia....

The Holidays!

My holidays!

During the Holidays me and my family to the Movies to watch the Amazing Spider Man 2. I went with my Mum and Dad and brother. We went to Sylvia park to book our tickets. We went home to go and play on the ps3 until three O’ Clock. then it got to 3 O’clock and then it was Three O’Clock and we left the house. Finally we got there we brought our popcorn and Ice-cream M&m's. And then walked our self to the Extreme Screen. and then we put our 3D glasses on and then we got started.two days later we went to go to the movies

Mothers Day!

  Why is my Mum so special in the WORLD!!!!

Mothers day! 

My Mother is gorgeous and a joyful women. When she looks at me I feel proud. I would always say I love my Mum more than a flower she would not  always replay she would give me a big delightful smiling face. She Likes doing our washing every time I am at school and hanging it up on the line. She love Making our Delicious dinner Nachos after trying that it was Delightful and also Delicious. When she’s not Working she is always working hard to clean the house. She has been kind throughout these years more than my Dad. If dad is at work my mum cleans up there room.

Milk Investigate!!!!!

Milk Investigate....

The Difference between Green top and Blue top. I think that the blue top is more cold and runny.  Now the Green top the Green top is more Runny when pour. The Rice Milk and the soy Milk is really plain and Watery and has a different color to the Green top and the Blue top.
The uht Milk is alright it has a creamy taste and it is also runny in a creamy way. The powdered Milk is really dry and tasty the Powdered Milk tastes like milk biscuits. The condensed Milk was the Best out of all of them because the condensed Milk 100% sweet and I like it really creamy.

Virtues Assembly!


On Friday Room 7 and I had our First assembly this term and this year. We were so happy and so existed. Our Class and I were Making a Kindness Mat for our assembly. Our Mat Represent's Kindness we will learn to Practice our Kindness with each other. Mrs Tui put us in to our Hubs for our groups all our Hubs made songs and Poems. We Had most of the Week to Practice them Then  the day came by to Friday we were all Existed about it we had a quick practice before it starts. It Finally Started we started off with hub 1 to Present there Song and Poem. Then  Hub 2 and then hub three and then we thought the school how to sing Hub three's Song and how to weave a Kindness mat.


This Morning we put on our sports gear on.For basketball.We  were all excited about doing some basketball in the morning.To have some energy for learning.What we learned was dribbling the ball and passing to our partner.the most existing part was girls vs boys by shooting the ball into the hop.So first thing we had to run to the basketball hop pole and grabed a ball and run the the other basketball hop.and shot it in but if you get it in you will have to go to the other one and then shot it but if you don't get it in you have to try it again but if you do you have to be the first on the get the ball back in to the circle.
I have learnt how to pass the ball to others and doing fishing with the ball.


Kindness practice is to talk considerate to others. If you see an old person walking by implore for help. Another one is Act you have to treat other the way you want to be treated. If you see someone that asks for something award them something back. If you observe someone and they are sad go and make them delighted. If you see someone finding something complicated give them help. Kind can be shown in different kinds of ways.

Friday, May 23, 2014

My Reflection!

My Reflection!


This Morning for prayer we were talking about Jesus making room for the disciples
and leading the way to the house they are going to stay in.

Jesus lived a happy kindness life he liked healing the poor the sick and even the needs.

Jesus was being benevolent about people in kind deeds coming into is house. He is leading anyone to his house with plenty of rooms.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Reading of Acts 2:1-13!

This is what I think of this Gosspel!

The Reading of Acts 2:1-13

When the Pentecost came they were all together in a place and then suddenly they heard a sound blowing a sound like a violent.  The sound came from heaven and then it Filled the whole house where there were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem.

The Holy Spirit!

Dear Holy Spirit please give me the power to love and to respect others. Thank you for looking out for others. Thank you for giving me the belief in god and thank you for making sure that I am respecting others. Also Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful.

Monday, May 12, 2014

In the Holidays!

The Holidays!!!!
During the Holidays me and my family to the Movies to watch the Amazing Spider Man 2. I went with my Mum and Dad and brother. We went to Sylvia park to book our tickets. We went home to go and play on the ps3 until three O’ Clock. And then it was Three O’Clock and we left the house. Finally we got there we brought o popcorn and Ice-cream M&m's. And then walked our self to the Extreme Screen. and then we put our 3D glasses on and then we got started. Two days later we went to go to the movies again.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

My Learning Goals-Writing

In my Writing Goals I have to use capital letters and fullstops consistently.
For my Goal 2 I will organise my writing- How so I do this? Plan and Group my Ideas using Google draw.
For spelling I have to know all my words Consistently and for spelling I want to reach up to R5.
For Vocabulary I will want to move up to Rubic 5P
for Organisation I Will want to move up to Rubic 5P I need to be more Organisation
for Ideas I am Rubic 4 but I will want to reach up to Rubic 5P
for Sentence structure I will want to move up to R5 but know I am a 4P