Thank you for giving us your son. Thank you for forgiving our sins and for saving us.
I am a Year 8 student at St Pius X School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tui.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Personal Prayer!
Please pray that you will watch over me, and make sure I will follow your path. Please help me along the way and through my long path to my next round.
School Prayer!
Please pray for the students at our school please guide us during school times.
New Zealand Prayer!
Please pray for new Zealand please make our land safe from any harm
Please pray that you will watch over me, and make sure I will follow your path. Please help me along the way and through my long path to my next round.
School Prayer!
Please pray for the students at our school please guide us during school times.
New Zealand Prayer!
Please pray for new Zealand please make our land safe from any harm
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
My Mom
Do you have someone great in your family the one who always makes your dinner.. Ahaha oh well I have that one and only person in my house. Ahaaha its my Mother let me share my story about her!.My mom's name is Donna she has got Brown hair,Dark Green eyes and a caring touch. My mom talks to me about many kinds of things. One of the things she talks to me about is something that will happen when I grow up like when im on my 20's. She tells me what shall I do If there's a case of an Emergency. One day I had something going wrong but my mom told me how to solve it. Me and my mom spend A LOT of time together we play games bake brownies, cakes. My mom takes me shopping she buys us Clothes and things for our room.When we ride the escalator, my mom pretends to fall back and says, “My shoes stuck!” I always think she's silly.My mom always laughs, and when she laughs she sounds like a Animal gone crazy! she doesn't laugh every day, but when she does, it’s Funny, and I have to laugh, too!.My mom is the greatest. I love how she jokes around My mom is more than a mom; she is like my best friend!
Persuasive Writing!
My Topic is about parents should be taking turns coming into the classroom to see what is Happening in class?
’’Why I chose this Topic its because Most of the time people in class never listen and do whatever on their netbooks and especially bad sites.
So if the teacher growels then off well they will not listen and probably will do it again so they need their parents to be in the classroom to monitor them and also it gives the teacher a rest and have a big break. Everybody is scared of their parent well i am so the teacher will do nothing and that student will still not listen many teachers had enough of repeating themselves.
‘’The parents should book in their times and dates and send it through emails or give it to their child to give it to the teachers. It makes it easier because they might have work. And so the parents can help the teacher with the class.
This is a story of me Scribbling the word Shhhh..
Finally we got there he was still talking and he scared the animals away so fast that he talked so much. The Teacher told Jack that calm it down jack you are too noisy. Than two minutes later he is still talking about everything he sees lucy was not happy as well. The Teacher was not happy and also all the other kids.
On a hot sunny afternoon jack and lucy went on a trip to the zoo. First they went on a bus in the morning at 8:00 jack was playing and getting excited at going to the zoo. Jack could not stop talking and laughing. All the kids and lucy and all the other kids in the bus said to jack shhh! jack and he will never stop.
Finally we got there he was still talking and he scared the animals away so fast that he talked so much. The Teacher told Jack that calm it down jack you are too noisy. Than two minutes later he is still talking about everything he sees lucy was not happy as well. The Teacher was not happy and also all the other kids.
Story about Friendship!
This is a story that I understand about Friendship I would Like to share it with you guys.
Once two friends argued, and one of them slapped another. This man felt a pain, but telling nothing and wrote on the sand: Today my best friend slapped me.They continued walking and found an oasis, in which wellspring decided to swim. The one who was slapped, started to sink, but his friend saved him. When he regained consciousness, wrote on the stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."Another friend, who slapped and saved his friend’s life, of asked him:- When I hurt you, you wrote on the sand and now you are writing on the stone. Why?His friend said:- When someone hurts us, we should write it on the sand, so that the wind could erase it. But when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it on the stone, so that the wind could not erase it. |
My Inspirational story about Me and my Life
In my life me and my older brothers have never lived with our real dad for that long, so everything that we have done has been with my mother. She has inspired us a lot in our life, Not to Say she has to work alot and is always taking care of me and my brothers..I like to say that my mom is Magical Brave also Talented . She is my super Hero. Since I was a Little baby she did a lot for me and my brothers we did not get anything out of my Real dad. He had no work, he asked my mom for money every time after her work so he can buy alcohol and get drunk with his Friends so my mom had to give up on him strait away. So she found another man named William at a farewell party they had lots of fun with each other so they fell in love with each other. So we moved into his mothers house because she needed help she had her other grandchildren living there. So I got raised as a Tongan Girl. My other Dad is in England I still get hold of him. He is already married. After 9 years my mom got married to my Dad that raised me. He worked hard for us and my mom. He was a boss at his work he got payed alot of money he was a health and fitness person he trains people. Then after 5 years my mom was pregnant and then had my sister named Alilia. then 1 year later she had a baby boy named Maealuiki. We worked together as a team. My brothers live somewhere else in Auckland One lives with my nana one lives with his girlfriend. So my mom wanted me to stay with her because I was the only girl. I still visit my nanas and still stay over. Then 7 years later my mom had another baby his name is Mamani My dad named him that because in Tongan it means World hes our little world to us his other name is David. My dad stills has his same job and my life is just fine we are going to get a new house and everything will be settled.....
Piha Slideshow
Szaskia lopes's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow
Monday, November 24, 2014
piha mills camp
Camp was peaceful and calm. My favourite part in camp was Experimenting the walks and waterfall. my most joyful part in camp was us working as a team and helping each other along the way. We all enjoyed our selfs during camp.
The link to my Presentation
piha presentation
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
The Roots~ The message in the bottle.....
The Roots.....
This Morning we made spirals for a Community called the Roots. The Roots is a special community that comes together and makes awesome creative things for example using recyclable things and turning it into really amazing special items. We all made spirals for a special festival that is coming up this year. We all put our spirals into clear recycled bottles and when we put it all together it makes a wave. The wave will be advertised at the festival. :P
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Good Friend!
Szaskia Lopes :
⇩ Being a great friend ⇩
A good Friend is a friend who will always accept who you are no matter if your Indian , Tongan Samoan African they will still accept who you are . They will always understand you even through hard times . They will follow the path of your trust as you lead it. They will always take care of your friendship and so would you. You and your friend will feel comfortable and warm with each other. With you and your friend you have to always be honest with each other. Some friends may walk away and might think they don't feel like they are apart of you well there is always going to be a new friend everywhere you go and anywhere you go not just in school. Good friends are the ones that share lunch with you if you don't have lunch thats a great feeling . If i'm angry they will come and comfort me. My friends are there to cheer me up. Every morning my friends will say good morning Isn't it great to have a friend beside you. Every friend is there for a reason it could be any reason.
Some friends just pretend to be your friend well people like that will probably they need help they just want friends.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Speaking Spanish!
Greetings - El saludo
How are you- Como estas
good afternoon - buenas tardes
thanks - gracias
come here - ven aca
loving - amoroso
good -bueno
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Peer Pressure!
(Peer Pressure!)
~Peer Pressure is a Noun~ Meanings of Nouns!
What is a Noun~ A noun is a word (other than a pronoun) used to any of a class of people, places, or things >>common noun, proper noun.<< Szaskia is my name.~Proper Noun/Common Noun/~Describes a class or Objects.
1~ Peer Pressure is Something that you force someone to do when they
don't want to do it.
When can Peer Pressure happen?
>>It happens through Actions
>>through Word
The Definitions!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Is Net books okay for our learning !
I think that the Netbooks are great for our Learning. Because you can Access anywhere and anytime no matter where you are at in a different country you can still Access.
If you need to know a fact about a country and its for your homework you can just search the fact and you will have the answer. My Negative thing about the Netbook is that you have to always charge and people lose their charge and will want to go and search. The Netbook Is fast and a great Tool for our Learning.
~You can search what you want to know.
~you can chat and communicate with other people.
~it helps you Access anywhere and anytime.

Friday, September 26, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Olympic Weight Lifting!
Early this morning I woke up to go to the gym. The coach was my dad ,first we started of with 60 burpies and then we did 103 push-ups and after that we have a 1 Min break. I felt so exhausted and tired.Then we got ready to pull up some weights, I carried 70 kgs. Then got home and had a shower and got ready for school.

Monday, September 1, 2014
Expressive Writing!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Expressive Writing /Workout/
This Morning, there was a stunning bright sky with the sun just hanging.I went to the Gym 4:00 in the Morning. I was very tired and cold but was existed. My workout was 50 burpies in 19 mins and 80 push ups in 78 mins in did not do good.
I did my Olympic weight Lifting My Plate I was lifting was 50 Kg and I was trying my best to lift that weigh. Its heaver than my body Weight WOW. It was really Challenging. For me Well i got home at 6:00 and Had a Shower then got into my School Uniform.
Then after school I went to my Bmx Training... It was fun!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014
Expressive Writing!!
Expressive Writing!
This Morning was so exciting. We started with Religious Education we had to write about what is prayer? And How do we pray? we said we focus and communicate with him. We have a great communication with God. He brightens our day and gives us a new day with light.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
About Australia !!!
- Australia is the world's 6th largest country by area.
- The largest cities in Australia are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.
- The name ‘Australia’ comes from the Latin word ‘austral is’, meaning southern.
- Australia is home to a variety of unique animals, including the koala,Kangaroo, emu, kookaburra and platypus.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Fun Facts!!!
Today I have Learnt some facts about what Happens in everyday Life.
The Average women loses 70 hairs a day. A blue Whale eats 4 Tons of krill a day
I learnt that in the Usa one App get downloaded 22.56 Million a days.
The Average women loses 70 hairs a day. A blue Whale eats 4 Tons of krill a day
I learnt that in the Usa one App get downloaded 22.56 Million a days.
The Weekends my Brothers game!!!
I Woke up in the morning with excitement and full of joy I got dressed fast and went to check my mum and My little Brother . Then got my little Brother dressed and out the door we went. We went to my Brothers Rugby Game he played against Mangere Hawks. There score was 29/30 Maea's Team won by 1 point.We had great fun!!!!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Expressive writing Week 1
Yaaaa!!! the day has started I woke up with such excitement and joy.. Screaming yaaaa!! the day has started. I got all my stuff ready for school and got ready for another leaning day. I walked to school in nice fresh air and walking in the hot stunning sun.... And said Good Morning to Everyone...!!!
My Expressive Writing Week 1!!!
I Woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. I made myself a healthy fruit salad breakfast then brushed my teeth and got dressed then got ready to leave the door with joy. I said bye to my family and left with a smiling smile on my face I walked in the hot boiling sun it was stunning.Then I got to school to work extremely hard . And then said good morning to my wonderful and stunning Teacher Mrs Tui
Szaskia Lopes...
Szaskia Lopes...
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Mrs Pole Farewell!
Mrs Pole’s Farewell.
On Friday the 12th of June the school and I went to the Mass of Mrs Pole. We were Preparing a mass for a most knowing teacher in Our families. It started at 9:00 in the morning it went well most of the Old Students from St Pius X came and said a Speech and Some of them Sang a lovely song . We all gathered together in a Church and Blessed Mrs Pole. Then Mrs Pole came and said her speech. It was a funny Speech she was amazing. It Brought alot of memories to the others.
Milk Experiment!!!!!!
WHAT YOU NEED:A selection of 3 different type of milk clear container
WHAT TO DO:Put an equal volume of each type of milk in a clear container
Place each container in the freezer
Record what happens to each type of milk as it freezes.
Note its colour, texture and
Shape:Record the time it takes to each variety to freeze.
Type of milk
what it looked like once it
had been freezed.
taken to freeze
Icy, the colour went kind of darker.
It took over night.
I looks the same. ( GOEY )
Not sure because it is still not frozen
It looked icy, ( WHITE ICE )
did not look like milk at all.
It took over night
`With the Up & Go our prediction is that it'll go kind of flaky/icy
The colour will go lighter so will the texture and the shape will be round, depending on the shape of the container or cup.
TIME : 30 - 35 MINS
We think that it’ll freeze slowly because of how goey it is, or it might just be icy cold.
The colour will kind of stay the same so as the texture & the shape will just be goey and round because of the cup it is in. But then it might only be the top that freezes,and the inside it’ll just be icy cold and goey.
:My group and I put the Milk in the freezer at 1:30 and then the next day we took it out at 9:01:
Friday, June 20, 2014
Mrs Pole's Farewell!
Mrs Pole’s Farewell.
On Friday the 12th of June the school and I went to the Mass of Mrs Pole. We were Preparing a mass for a most knowing teacher in Our families. It started at 9:00 in the morning it went well most of the Old Students from St Pius X came and said a Speech and Some of them Sang a lovely song . We all gathered together in a Church and Blessed Mrs Pole. Then Mrs Pole came and said her speech. It was a funny Speech she was amazing. It Brought alot of memories to the others.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Kindness practice is to talk considerate to others. If you see an old person walking by implore for help. Another one is Act you have to treat other the way you want to be treated. If you see someone that asks for something award them something back. If you observe someone and they are sad go and make them delighted. If you see someone finding something complicated give them help. Kind can be shown in different kinds of ways.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Practise prompt
If you could have lunch with any famous person who would it be? What
would you talk about with this person?
A- If I went lunch with any famous person I would have Lunch with Dane DeHaan. With this person I would Talk about his acting and what is his favourite Movie he has acted in. I would ask How old he is and Who is his favourite friend. If I said all these questions I would Be so Elated I will be the only one that would know all about him. The other Questions I would ask him is Who is your favourite sibling and his favorite food.
Good Friends!
Szaskia-Asttle reading 28th February...
''Good Friends''explain........
''Good Friends''........
''Good friends'' are real friends that keep in touch every time. Good Friends tell the truth all the time. Our friends are one of gods children. Friendships can happen everywhere like at home,park,shops everywhere. We become good friend by love and respecting each other.
Good friends are really special to you. Good friends to me is like sticking together and respecting each other. Being Friends are sharing ideas to each other
Cardiovascular Workout!
Fitness : Cardiovascular Workout!
Cardiovascular exercise has lots of health benefits like lowering your blood pressure, and also it can burn lots of calories-for those of you who want to lose weight. To give your heart a proper workout you need to make sure that you do your cardiovascular exercise with a certain amount of intensity, But you don’t want to overdo it. Everyone has a resting heart rate, which is just what it sounds like-the rate your heart beats per minute while you are resting.
The Holidays!
My holidays!
During the Holidays me and my family to the Movies to watch the Amazing Spider Man 2. I went with my Mum and Dad and brother. We went to Sylvia park to book our tickets. We went home to go and play on the ps3 until three O’ Clock. then it got to 3 O’clock and then it was Three O’Clock and we left the house. Finally we got there we brought our popcorn and Ice-cream M&m's. And then walked our self to the Extreme Screen. and then we put our 3D glasses on and then we got started.two days later we went to go to the movies
Mothers Day!
Why is my Mum so special in the WORLD!!!!
Mothers day!
My Mother is gorgeous and a joyful women. When she looks at me I feel proud. I would always say I love my Mum more than a flower she would not always replay she would give me a big delightful smiling face. She Likes doing our washing every time I am at school and hanging it up on the line. She love Making our Delicious dinner Nachos after trying that it was Delightful and also Delicious. When she’s not Working she is always working hard to clean the house. She has been kind throughout these years more than my Dad. If dad is at work my mum cleans up there room.
Milk Investigate!!!!!
Milk Investigate....
The Difference between Green top and Blue top. I think that the blue top is more cold and runny. Now the Green top the Green top is more Runny when pour. The Rice Milk and the soy Milk is really plain and Watery and has a different color to the Green top and the Blue top.
The uht Milk is alright it has a creamy taste and it is also runny in a creamy way. The powdered Milk is really dry and tasty the Powdered Milk tastes like milk biscuits. The condensed Milk was the Best out of all of them because the condensed Milk 100% sweet and I like it really creamy.
Virtues Assembly!
On Friday Room 7 and I had our First assembly this term and this year. We were so happy and so existed. Our Class and I were Making a Kindness Mat for our assembly. Our Mat Represent's Kindness we will learn to Practice our Kindness with each other. Mrs Tui put us in to our Hubs for our groups all our Hubs made songs and Poems. We Had most of the Week to Practice them Then the day came by to Friday we were all Existed about it we had a quick practice before it starts. It Finally Started we started off with hub 1 to Present there Song and Poem. Then Hub 2 and then hub three and then we thought the school how to sing Hub three's Song and how to weave a Kindness mat.
This Morning we put on our sports gear on.For basketball.We were all excited about doing some basketball in the morning.To have some energy for learning.What we learned was dribbling the ball and passing to our partner.the most existing part was girls vs boys by shooting the ball into the hop.So first thing we had to run to the basketball hop pole and grabed a ball and run the the other basketball hop.and shot it in but if you get it in you will have to go to the other one and then shot it but if you don't get it in you have to try it again but if you do you have to be the first on the get the ball back in to the circle.
I have learnt how to pass the ball to others and doing fishing with the ball.
Kindness practice is to talk considerate to others. If you see an old person walking by implore for help. Another one is Act you have to treat other the way you want to be treated. If you see someone that asks for something award them something back. If you observe someone and they are sad go and make them delighted. If you see someone finding something complicated give them help. Kind can be shown in different kinds of ways.
Friday, May 23, 2014
My Reflection!
My Reflection!
This Morning for prayer we were talking about Jesus making room for the disciples
and leading the way to the house they are going to stay in.
Jesus lived a happy kindness life he liked healing the poor the sick and even the needs.
Friday, May 16, 2014
The Reading of Acts 2:1-13!
This is what I think of this Gosspel!
The Reading of Acts 2:1-13
When the Pentecost came they were all together in a place and then suddenly they heard a sound blowing a sound like a violent. The sound came from heaven and then it Filled the whole house where there were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem.
The Holy Spirit!
Dear Holy Spirit please give me the power to love and to respect others. Thank you for looking out for others. Thank you for giving me the belief in god and thank you for making sure that I am respecting others. Also Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful.
Monday, May 12, 2014
In the Holidays!
The Holidays!!!!
During the Holidays me and my family to the Movies to watch the Amazing Spider Man 2. I went with my Mum and Dad and brother. We went to Sylvia park to book our tickets. We went home to go and play on the ps3 until three O’ Clock. And then it was Three O’Clock and we left the house. Finally we got there we brought o popcorn and Ice-cream M&m's. And then walked our self to the Extreme Screen. and then we put our 3D glasses on and then we got started. Two days later we went to go to the movies again.
Friday, May 9, 2014
My Learning Goals-Writing
In my Writing Goals I have to use capital letters and fullstops consistently.
For my Goal 2 I will organise my writing- How so I do this? Plan and Group my Ideas using Google draw.
For spelling I have to know all my words Consistently and for spelling I want to reach up to R5.
For Vocabulary I will want to move up to Rubic 5P
for Organisation I Will want to move up to Rubic 5P I need to be more Organisation
for Ideas I am Rubic 4 but I will want to reach up to Rubic 5P
for Sentence structure I will want to move up to R5 but know I am a 4P
For my Goal 2 I will organise my writing- How so I do this? Plan and Group my Ideas using Google draw.
For spelling I have to know all my words Consistently and for spelling I want to reach up to R5.
For Vocabulary I will want to move up to Rubic 5P
for Organisation I Will want to move up to Rubic 5P I need to be more Organisation
for Ideas I am Rubic 4 but I will want to reach up to Rubic 5P
for Sentence structure I will want to move up to R5 but know I am a 4P
Friday, April 4, 2014
My Goal is....
My Goal For Monday is to achieve my learning in class. Next Week my Goal is going to be is achieving my writing to get better and better. My other goal is to find lots of information and learn alot.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Maths-What have learnt Today
Today in Maths I have learnt how to work out our adding and subtraction. And on Teachers tool he told us what is a hidden number For Example here is 5 and what to equal 6 so the answer is 1 because 1 is hidden and with 1 six equals 5.... so 1+5=6....I have learnt to add number into the other.
E.G 3+ 2 = _ You put one hand up and there are 2 finger and 3 finger there. So 2 +3= 5...And using takeaway to solve problem. But it the same number, before.And also 6-4=3 because you share 6 and take off 2,and another 2, Equal 3
My Special place!!!
My Special place!!!
My special place is the Beach. The Beach is really special to me. We can go for a Swim or play in the sand. Mostly I love playing in the water even though it’s Salty I still love it. The beach is so lovely to go for a walk in the mornings and have a picnic or take a pet. A beach is a quiet place. You are gonna know why I did not chose my house. Here is some facts why We have to clean,Boring stuff, And many more stuff. When I go to the beach I have a quick dip in the pool. It was cold and freezing like and ice block.
E-Asttle Writing
Szaskia-Asttle reading 28th February...
''Good Friends''explain........
''Good Friends''........
''Good friends'' are real friends that keep in touch every time. Good Friends tell the truth all the time. Our friends are one of gods children. Friendships can happen everywhere like at home,park,shops everywhere. We become good friend by love and respecting each other.
Good friends are really special to you. Good friends to me is like sticking together and respecting each other. Being Friends are sharing ideas to each other.
And if you have a special friend you don't have to judge each other freinds are not supposed to be that way. Sharing lunch with each other. If i had a friend I will give it a special gift like a necklace saying bffs forever.
Friends are important because they say good Morning or hello. If there is a new person in school we have to show them around and ask to be friends.
if you see an old Lady you help her you don't just stare. You don't just respect the one you like respect others to. Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you need help any could help they are kind and respecting you by saying are you alright do you want me to help you. A special friend is who look after you when you're hurt or just don't feel right. When you feel bad they will help you and if they are hurt you have to do the same.
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